It's probably no surprise to you that I believe learning is crazy important. It probably shows in the fact that I'm a teacher and my husband is a teacher and we both seriously love our jobs. In fact a lot of our date night conversations revolve around teaching philosophies and current educational trends.
We're cool like that. ;)
What some of you may not know is that I'm a pretty religious person. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. People know us mostly as Mormons. One thing that we believe is that there are living prophets on the earth. I found this quote from one of the apostles and I felt like I couldn't not share it because it really expresses how I feel about learning.
I believe that learning is an eternal process and that we continue to learn even when we aren't in school. Here are some things I have learned since I have graduated college: how to set up a preschool classroom & curriculum, how to do cool braids and hairstyles, how to sew Halloween costumes, how to (try) to keep a house clean (I am super serious about how much it took to learn how to do this. It took me a long, long, long time of working, trying, failing, and trying something new before I even started to make a dent in the housework), how to refinish furniture, how to take out a dead tree (I've done 3), and how to bake a potato (this was a skill that eluded me until about a year ago. You can ask my husband, I was pretty bad at it.)
Here are some things I still want to learn before I die: how to arrange flowers, how to garden, how to put up drywall, how to decorate cakes, and how to make a killer pie crust. We'll throw get a masters degree in there but I don't know what I want my focus to be yet so it's still undecided.
I hope that these words can inspire you to continue helping your sweet little ones to learn, but also to light a fire under you too. Just because we are done with school, doesn't mean we should stop learning. Learning to love learning is an important skill to achieve in this life.