Saturday, January 8, 2011

Teddy Bear Picnic Tues./Thurs.

(I promised Gracie's mom I would take a lot of pictures, so be ready for it!)

For letter B week we had a teddy bear picnic and we had so much fun! We were glad that Miranda and Trevor were able to come and that we were joined by our moms, dads, and grandparents. I hope everyone else had as much fun as I did!
Before we went to the park, we sang "Cool Bear Hunt" by Dr. Jean and did a few other letter "b" activities:


Blocks - Miranda even made a Boat for her Bear

Button & Bead friendship Bracelets
At the park we did a few teddy bear and letter "b" activities:
  • teddy, teddy, bear (duck, duck goose)
  • pass the button (We had a button on a string tied in a loop. Each person held onto the string and we sang a song. As we sang, we passed the button from one person to the next and whoever had the button when the song ended, answered a question about their teddy bear.)
  • We read the book "Where's my Teddy?" which is one of my favorites to read out loud.
The kids had a lot of fun on the playground.
Their favorite activities were climbing up and down the barsand the slide
Miranda even got everyone making snow sand angels. She was nice enough to let her teddy go first.
We also had a teddy bear lunch: honey & peanut butter sandwiches cut in the shape of a bear, teddy grahams, & strawBerry juice.
Thank you to all the family who came and helped make this day a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. SOOO cute! Sounds like it was SO fun! I'm so glad that Gracie's grandparents were able to come in my place! Thanks for the pictures!
