Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Edible Igloos

Last year we made igloos using sugar cubes. You can see the post and directions here. They were pretty cool, but I decided to change it up a little bit this year and make igloos we could eat. This worked out so well and it was so easy for the kids.

Normally, we have a pretty healthy snack every day, but I can safely say that this snack was as far away from healthy as you can get. Mini cakes covered in icing covered in marshmallows. Can we say sugar anyone? To try to offset the insane amount of sweets, we had an extra long recess after this fun project. 

I started by baking cake mix into small glass bowls. I didn't use cupcakes because I wanted them to be a little bit bigger. I had the students work in pairs to make their igloo and we needed a little more room to work. You could easily use cupcakes and have the kids work individually. (These bowls held about a cup of batter.)

After I baked each one, I leveled the top with a knife and then flipped the cupcake upside down onto the plate to get a tapered look. 

To frost the cupcakes, I sniped a very small corner off of a sandwich baggie. You need to make sure to use the press to close kind and not the fold over because you don't want any extra folds at the bottom. I filled the baggies with icing and tied it with a rubber-band. The rubber-band prevents the icing from going up into the top of the bag when you squeeze it. This ended up being very helpful for the little ones. 

In class, the kids frosted and covered their mini cakes with marshmallows.They added a 2 X 4 tunnel for the door.

Then we cut it in half and ate it! It was a very successful and very yummy project.

As a side note, we read an awesome Goldilocks story to go with this project. The bears are polar bears who live in an igloo. The pictures are beautiful and the story is a fun twist to the traditional fairy tale. It is titled The Three Snow Bears by Jan Brett.

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