Sunday, September 25, 2011

A is for Apple

We sorted green and red apples.

We made apple smiles for snack by putting peanut butter and marshmallows on apple slices. (A quick tip for helping put peanut butter on apple slices is to make sure that you dry the slices with a paper towel before you spread on the peanut butter.)

I had this great idea to make 3-D apples trees for letter A week. My first couple of ideas had a few issues, but the final product was cute.

Here's What You Need:
  • red and green pom poms
  • card stock with apple tree top on it
  • sticks
  • glue dot or tape
  • liquid glue
Here's what You Do:
  1. Print off the tree top onto the card stock.
  2. Cut a slit right under the tree where the trunk should go. Cut another slit about and inch from the bottom of the paper.
  3. Slip the stick through the two slits and attach it to the back with a glue dot or tape.
  4. Decorate the tree top with pom poms.

P.S. Here's what the original was going to look like. It ended up being better for older kids because it was hard to keep the pom poms on the Styrofoam ball.

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