Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dinosaur Dioramas

To continue our focus on dinosaurs and the letter D we made dinosaur dioramas. The great thing about this project is that you can make it as simple or as complex as you want to. We kept it simple, but I was starting to think of all the things we could have added to it: eggs, nests, food, trees, etc. Anyway, simple or complex, this was definitely a student favorite.

Here's What You Need:
  • Cracker or shoe boxes
  • Spray paint
  • Tempera paint 
  • Duct tape
  • Easter grass
  • Rocks
  • Fake leaves or vines
  • Hot glue gun
  • Plastic dinosaurs
 Here's What You Do:
  1. Cut off the front of your box and reinforce the sides with duct tape. 
  2. Spray paint the outside. (Tempera paint doesn't work well because of the glossy finish.)
  3. Have the kids paint the inside.
  4. Use the hot glue gun to glue down the easter grass on the bottom and the leaves or vines.
  5. Hot glue some rocks down for the dinosaurs to climb on. (This is actually an important part because the rocks help weigh down and stabilize the front.)
  6. Let the kids add their dinosaur and play!

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