This was our first graduation at Chipman's Corner and it was a lot of fun. Thank you to all the parents and kids for an amazing year. I sure am going to miss you all!
(I'm going to apologize right now that I don't know what setting I had my camera on, but I am so sorry for the lighting in all these pictures, it is atrocious.Anyway . . .)
We did a short program where the kids showed what we learned and did a music performance for their moms and dads. Miss Diana has worked hard all year to teach the kids about notes and rhythms and I was blown away by how well they did showing what they knew. Then we passed out diplomas, the books the kids had made, and took class pictures.
One of our moms made these awesome hats for the graduates and future graduates. I think she said she found the tutorial on pinterest. Thank you Cori!
Here are the decorations I made for the event. It was a lot of fun putting it all together. The hanging mobiles were my favorite, they looked so much fun turning around above the table. Although, I had to use a needle to make the balloon banner and I don't know whose bright idea it was to make something using a needle and balloons. : )

I haven't forgotten about the pictures of the classes for you. It's on my list of To-Do's. For whatever reason, I feel like this summer has gotten significantly busier than I was EVER planning!