I am so excited to be in a place that has seasons! Back in Arizona, we had summer and slightly cooler summer. I loved my time there, but I also love to see the leaves change and the mountains slowly getting whiter and whiter as the snow line moves down the mountain. It's beautiful. If you have never visited Utah, it is a beautiful place to visit. So many opportunities for outdoor sports and such amazing scenery. Anyway, I'll get off my travel guide and get back to preschool.
So, fall - love it! I even like raking the leaves. Does that make me a crazy person? Oh well. This year, we are learning about what the seasons are and what the weather is like during those seasons. As an introduction, I pulled out a bunch of magazine pages with pictures of different seasons. The kids each took a couple of the pages, cut out the pictures, then taped them to one of four posters - spring, summer, fall, winter.
Then, we started our seasons book. I have blogged about this before, but I didn't really include any pictures so I hope to remedy that this year. Each season, we will add a new page to our book and at the end of the year they will be able to take it home. We read the book, Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf by Lois Ehlert. Then I gave each student a tree outline. They added fall leaves in red, yellow, and orange tissue paper.
They wrapped tissue paper squares around the end of a pencil, dipped it in glue, and put it on their tree.
Here's the finished product! We'll make sure to add our other seasons as we do them.

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