We had so much fun on our annual fire station open house fieldtrip. I was so excited that so many parents were able to join us and I hope the kids had fun, were inspired, and learned a little too.
We tried on fireman apparrel.
We watched how they put out fires in two ways. The lit this huge tower of fire. We could feel how warm it was even though we were so far away.
First the firemen put it out with a hand held hose.
Next they used a mounted ladder hose on a fire truck.
We checked out an ambulance. (Don't mind our photo bomer in the front left. Haha)
The kids also learned what to do in a fire by crawling through a "smoke" filled trailer. (It was really just a fog machine.)
We watched a demonstation of how they help in car crashes. They took apart a car! It was pretty cool.
And one of the kids' favorite parts was getting high fives from the firemen.
I sure do love these kids and love my job!

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