E is for emotions! We read this amazing book about emotions, Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods that Make My Day by Jamie Lee Curtis. We talked about different emotions that we can feel.
We discussed how our emotions are normal and it is okay to feel different ways. We talked about how sometimes we feel frustrated or angry and that is okay as long as we express our feelings in an appropriate way.
For our activity we made emotion balls. They are pretty much stress balls, but hopefully our little preschoolers aren't feeling too much stress so we changed it to be an emotion ball. When they are feeling overly excited and need to calm down or when they are feeling angry or when they are feeling worried, they can take their ball and squeeze it.
Each child drew a face on theirs using a permanent marker to make it more fun. The faces do rub off as they are handled, but that's okay because it just means we can have fun and keep drawing all different kinds of faces on our ball.
To make one, you put play dough into a balloon and tie it in a knot. This is a great way to use up play dough that is getting a little dry and old. Then use permanent markers to draw on a face.

E is for Emotions by Lisa Weidknecht is available here - http://bookstore.authorhouse.com/Products/SKU-000249770/E-is-for-Emotions.aspx