The place we are visiting in January is the North Pole. (This year our theme is "Oh the Places We'll Go") We started our study of the north pole by looking at the different animals that live there and we read the book, The Very Bouncy Bear by Jack Tickle. It is a pop up book about animals that live in the arctic. It includes penguins and I had to explain to the kids that even though they are in the book, penguins do not live in the north pole.
For our activity, we made an animal wheel for animals that live in the north pole.The kid cut out the top and the bottom circles. They colored the animals on the bottom circle. They tore up cotton balls and glued "snow" on the top circle. Then we connected them with a brad so that the bottom circle spins and shows some of the different animals that live there.
Here's What You Need:
- Card stock
- Cotton balls
- Brads
- Glue
- Scissors
- Crayons
Here's What You Do:
- Copy and print out the two wheels onto card stock. (The wheel with all the animals is the bottom wheel.)
- Cut out each wheel including the pie slice on the top wheel.
- Color the wheel with all the animals on it.
- Tear apart and glue cotton balls onto the top wheel for snow.
- Stack the wheels together and use a brad to fasten them so the bottom wheel turns.

Love this! So happy I found it. I found one for polar animals but really wanted one for Arctic only!