For Letter B week we had a Teddy Bear Picnic! All the kids had so much fun doing activities with their teddy bears in class and at the park. When everyone arrived, we sang "Cool Going on a Bear Hunt" by Dr. Jean and we had lots of "b" activities to do with our teddies:
Button & Bead friendship Bracelets
At the park we did a few teddy bear and letter "b" activities:
Button & Bead friendship Bracelets
At the park we did a few teddy bear and letter "b" activities:
- teddy, teddy, bear (duck, duck goose)
- pass the button (We had a button on a string tied in a loop. Each person held onto the string and we sang a song. As we sang, we passed the button from one person to the next and whoever had the button when the song ended, answered a question about their teddy bear.)
- We read the book "Where's my Teddy?" which is one of my favorites to read out loud.
We also had a teddy bear lunch: honey & peanut butter sandwiches cut in the shape of a bear, teddy grahams, & strawBerry juice.
After the kids ate, they played with their bears on the playground.
Their two favorite things to do were having Noe's dad help them across the monkey bars
and making a train down the slide.
It was a very fun day. The kids were exhausted by the end, but there were smiles on their faces.
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